New Guidelines on Postpartum Depression

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently made headlines with the statistic that more than 400,000 babies each year are born to women who will suffer postpartum depression (PPD). Calling PPD the most “underdiagnosed obstetric complication” in the U.S., the report issued a new call for pediatricians to take an active role in screening their patients’ […]


Divorce Insurance…Really

A new Washington Post article details the latest money-saving opportunity: divorce insurance. In a time in which our nation’s financial anxiety is racheting out of control, a new company is set to offer the ultimate in self-protection. Apparently, prenuptial agreements have been on the rise in the last five years, with even middle-income couples opting […]


Keeping the Friends You Find

When I was a Girl Scout we used to sing the same song at the end of each of our meetings. It went, ” Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” I didn’t know it then, but that song had a lot of truth in it. It’s not […]


Relationships with Our Furry Friends

I’ve been trying to think about how I could blog about this video from the Vimeo Festival called Last Minutes With Oden and segue in a clever way to some piece of wisdom about relationships and how much we can learn about loyalty and love from our furry friends. But, I can’t figure that out. […]


Cindy Bare, MA.: Therapist Spotlight

Several years ago, Cindy Bare left a career in the legal industry to stay at home with her first child. But having experienced several episodes of intense grief in her life — including the death of a parent, a divorce, and infertility in her second marriage — she realized that her talent for helping others […]


Developmental Traumas: Referral Corner

Our families provide the foundation for our personal and professional lives. When the foundation is shaky, it is only a matter of time before cracks in the façade of growing up in the perfect family begin to appear. You struggle with issues such as perfectionism, control, low self-esteem, self-criticism, shame, guilt, fear of abandonment or […]


A New Book Challenges Divorce Theory

A recent edition of Time magazine reported marriage statistics from a chapter of a new book entitled, For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage, by New York Times reporter Tara Parker-Pope. The author challenges the standard marriage statistic that 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. Time reports that according to Pope, marriage stability is […]


The End of Men?

So what will happen to men? Clearly a major societal transition is taking place and many men are seeking to understand and redefine themselves. What will their new place be? Increasingly, men that I see in my practice, as well as friends and colleagues, are questioning their fathers’ models and are opting for less demanding […]


Handling depression at work

Let’s face it, there is still significant stigma in the workplace around issues of mental health and illness. If you have to get an appendectomy, you’ll probably feel comfortable telling your colleagues about it and they might even send you a card or flowers in the hospital. But what if you’re struggling with symptoms of […]


Couples Counseling on the First Date?

I just saw this interesting Newsweek article on unmarried couples coming to counseling. I found myself having a hard time thinking of how many of the couples I’ve seen over the years were neither married nor living together – it’s just not something that I can recall very easily. It’s interesting, because you’d think that […]