Spotlight on Norma Stevens, M.S.

As a person who thoroughly prefers to make direct connections with others, Norma Stevens was feeling unfulfilled in her criminal justice career. “I just felt like I wasn’t making a real difference,” she recalls the former policy analyst, noting that she felt too far removed from the people she was trying to help. While considering […]


Riches v. Relations: Family More Valuable Than Money

In these times of economic strife it makes sense that many of us are focusing on finances as a measure of our contentment. But according to new research, strong familial relationships actually do more to improve our sense of happiness than the amount of money we make. The study, published in the most recent issue […]


Even More Benefits of Exercise

We’ve heard it so many times before, it’s likely that for most of us the imperative to increase our physical exercise falls on deaf (or at least bored) ears. But the benefits of adding exercise to one’s daily routine go well beyond weight loss and cardiovascular health. According to WebMd, those with a regular exercise […]


Garden-Like Growth

Before beginning therapy couples often worry about whether or not counseling will “work” for them and their issues. Ginny Graham helps clients shift from what she calls “the once-and-for-all-magic-wand-approach” for solving life problems to one grounded in a more realistic process of change. “An important step for all of us to keep in mind in […]


Stress Busters

Anxiety and stress are the most common causes of mental illness in the U.S., according to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. Anxiety disorders affect more than 18 percent of the U.S. population and cost the country more than $42 billion a year in healthcare costs. Finding simple ways to help alleviate stress on a […]


Something Silly

Sometimes it helps to be silly with our partners for a moment, even when we are dealing with tough issues. It reminds us of the spirit that brought us together in the first place, and can do wonders for releasing stress and setting a positive tone between two people. To make this point, Stacy Notaras […]


Recharging Batteries: Soothing Your Overworked Partner

“Is loss of connection and intimacy an inevitable outcome of our harried lives?” asks Offra Gerstein, Ph.D., a psychologist and columnist in Santa Cruz, Calif. Not if we become aware of the impact of work, family, and stress on our relationships, she says. “Couples who are both employed outside the home encounter work demands and […]


Making Phobic Assessments

Indiana Jones’ fear of snakes was a nice bit of comic relief in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie. While most people will admit to having at least some fear of things such as spiders, heights, or flying, the difference between a basic fear and a phobia is more pronounced. With the help of […]


Don’t Wing It

You wouldn’t think of flying in an airplane with a pilot who had no training. Making your marriage fly is a far more complex task, yet you probably had almost no formal preparation. You and your partner simply got in the cockpit and took off, hoping not to crash but not really knowing how to […]


Spotlight on Ginny Graham, M.S., Certified Spiritual Director

Therapist Ginny Graham has had a life-long love affair with reading. As both a high school creative writing teacher and a counselor with an interest in spiritual direction, Graham finds herself returning to old works and recommending them to clients and colleagues. “Although I wasn’t aware of it at the time, back in the late […]