Close encounters of our times

In 1977, I was both captivated and alarmed, along with the rest of the movie-going world when Steven Spielberg’s dream movie came to local theaters. Close Encounters of the Third Kind was a sci-fi movie hailed for its child-like wonder of the unknown. The phrase close encounters of the third kind refers to human encounters with extra-terrestrials. […]


Celebrating Her!

Women’s Month March is identified as Women’s Month, a month designated in our calendar year to give extra attention to amazing, warrior women who have contributed to changing our world. While this month will honor and celebrate magnificent ladies, sharing their stories and highlighting their achievements there are so many others who will remain in […]


Are you having an affair… with your phone?

Do you ever experience anxiety or stress when you are separated from your cell phone? Are you afraid that you might miss something if you don’t compulsively check it? Do you find the seductive pull of social media hard to resist? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might have “nomophobia” (an abbreviation […]


30 Strategies for Self-Care and Why They Matter

Self-care refers to things done by you for your own well-being and comfort. Many people know that self-care is especially important during times of stress, sadness, rejection, grief, and all kinds of upheaval and loss because it is these things that tap our inner resources and render us vulnerable to other emotional and physical maladies. […]


Imago Relationship Tips: Right Fighting

Have you ever had a conversation with your partner that turns into an argument over minor details? “I called you four times” “No you called me three times”, and it quickly becomes more important to be right than to be in the relationship. For more information on Imago Relationship therapy and how it could help […]


How to Choose the Right Couples Therapist

Many of the couples I see in my practice are surprisingly not in couples therapy for the first time. In some cases they felt the therapy wasn’t working and they wanted to try a different approach, in other cases they had a bad experience but were still committed to making their relationship stronger. What are […]


Imago Relationship Tips: Process And Content

Have you ever had an argument with your partner where it feels like you’re fighting over minor details? “You said the blue one” “No I said then green one”, and then it becomes a fight over whose version of the story is right. For more information on Imago Relationship therapy and how it could help […]


Imago Relationship Tips: Your Core Values

Have you ever been in a hurry to get to work and as you run out the door you say something harsh or insensitive to your partner then as you’re driving in the car you feel guilty about your behavior? For more information on Imago Relationship therapy and how it could help you, contact The […]


How to talk to kids about sexual abuse, and how you can help prevent it

One of my clients came into my office one day for a last-minute appointment and he sounded anxious. I had been working with him as his psychotherapist for several months and we had just started to delve into some deeper issues as our therapeutic bond became stronger. It was in that session, for the first time in […]