The Importance of Military Culture in Caring for Veterans

The Hero on a Pedestal? American culture tends to either place veterans on a pedestal or pathologize them. Civilians leading care efforts for veterans do not fully understand the lived experience of service, nor what military separation is like. This can create emotional gaps between veterans, civilian loved ones, and advocates and strengthen bonds among […]


Surviving or Thriving?

Survival By survival, I mean our default wiring that is always scanning the horizon for cues or signals of danger. It could be as minor as an autonomic uh-oh. Or as big as hell no! We are wired for survival, as evidenced by our actual survival. Negative bias has something to do with this success. […]


Blame, Shame, and Criticism in Your Relationship is Toxic

Criticism, defined as the expression of disapproval or disappointment, can take many forms and can range from constructive feedback to harsh or attacking statements. In this article, criticism is defined as language that blames, shames, or belittles your partner. Regardless of the form it takes, excessive criticism can be harmful to the health of a […]


Trauma Shapes Our Relationships

Trauma 101 Peter Levine, Ph.D., a pioneer in body-oriented psychotherapy, describes an epiphany he had while treating a woman who suffered from excruciating agoraphobia (an extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places) and a host of other symptoms:  …her body learned that in that time of overwhelming threat (a childhood trauma in […]


Understanding Sexual Trauma

Treating Sexual Trauma Stories such as Dr. Ford’s decades-old sexual trauma may be frozen in the mind and body. Traumatic experiences remain cocooned in the nervous system and are susceptible to the effects of brain chemistry. Imago therapists use core skills to be an empathetic, neutral listener.  Trauma therapists employ these core skills AND an additional […]