In the Wake of Helene:

The Impact of Recent Natural Disasters and Climate Change on Mental Health In recent years, the frequency and intensity of natural disasters have surged, with Hurricane Helene standing out as a poignant example. As the global climate crisis escalates, the destructive force of storms, wildfires, and floods has intensified, leaving behind a trail of physical, […]


Black women’s wellness: a radical revolution!

Prioritizing Black Women’s Wellness African American women face a disproportionate burden of mental health challenges, yet they are significantly less likely to seek professional help. According to the National Institute on Minority Health and Disparities, African Americans experience 20% higher rates of serious psychological distress compared to white Americans [1]. Alarmingly, Black women are only […]


Loneliness is killing us.

Loneliness and isolation is slowly killing people and eroding the most fundamental thing that makes us human. We are wired to be connected to one another. And when we withdraw, isolate, fail to ask for help, refuse to offer aid, we get better at being alone.


Resolutions…no, thanks!

Replace New Year’s resolutions with aspirations, dreams and self-compassion.


The Importance of Military Culture in Caring for Veterans

The Hero on a Pedestal? American culture tends to either place veterans on a pedestal or pathologize them. Civilians leading care efforts for veterans do not fully understand the lived experience of service, nor what military separation is like. This can create emotional gaps between veterans, civilian loved ones, and advocates and strengthen bonds among […]


Widow Support Group

validation promotes healing and acceptance as widows face their new reality.


Keeping the Love You Find™ a workshop for individuals

Finding the One Finding one’s true love has been the dream of lovers throughout history…The bubble of romantic love will burst and you will find yourself locked in a power struggle. But (after this workshop) now you know yourself, and…you are prepared for what is coming. From Keeping the Love Find by Harville Hendrix and […]


Talking Values with Teens

Do you live in your values? What do you value? How do your values impact how you live your life? How does it feel when you are living within your values? How does it feel when you aren’t? We continue to explore these questions throughout our lives. Exploration and discovery of values is a fundamental […]


Grief is a Journey of Self Discovery

Getting help with grief never occurred to me My father died by accidental drowning six months before my wedding. The idea of seeking counseling or attending a grief group was never suggested. I couldn’t process the loss at the time, or what it meant for my mother. I was 28 years old, absorbed in my […]


Group Therapy or Counseling is Helpful During a Breakup

Navigating a Breakup During the Holiday Season Some people will not be seated at the table for the holidays. Life circumstances are causing spikes in couples deciding to terminate relationships. A leading law firm notes a 122% increase in inquiries about services for divorce between July 2021 and October 2021 compared to the previous year. […]