Empathic Relationships: Prioritizing Serving over Fixing and Helping

During challenging relationship times, it is essential to explore ways to enhance connection and communication.  Changing our mindset and approach away from fixing and helping can catalyze a move toward a safer place. Examining on fixing and helping offers insight into ongoing relationship struggles.  Fixing suggests something amiss, possibility in how our partner handled the […]


Widow Support Group

validation promotes healing and acceptance as widows face their new reality.


Loving Again

Love is a remarkable and complex emotion that can take us on unexpected journeys. It has the power to transform our lives, presenting us with new opportunities for growth and happiness. Today, I want to share my personal story of finding new love and the immense joy it has brought into my life. This is […]


Divorce/Breakup: Unveiling the Benefits of a Support Group

Understanding that divorce /Breakup is a life-altering event that can bring about a range of emotions, uncertainties, and challenges. Going through the process alone can be overwhelming and isolating.  You don’t have to go it alone. A divorce support group is a lifeline available for individuals navigating the stormy waters of divorce. 


What to Expect in a Break Up

Life Happens This time of the year can be incredibly challenging if you are in the storm of a breakup.  Over twenty years ago I sat in that seat. I never imagined this would be my journey. Why would two reasonably intelligent people travel down this road? When it was me, I found myself coping with […]


Group Therapy or Counseling is Helpful During a Breakup

Navigating a Breakup During the Holiday Season Some people will not be seated at the table for the holidays. Life circumstances are causing spikes in couples deciding to terminate relationships. A leading law firm notes a 122% increase in inquiries about services for divorce between July 2021 and October 2021 compared to the previous year. […]


It’s Over- Now what?

Stress seems to be the buzz word of the year. The level of trauma is at an all-time high.  Many people are struggling to manage the pandemic, racial tension, economic stresses, loss of friends and loved ones, and a host of other difficulties.   Another concern showing up time and time again is stress in […]