Who’s the Problem?

Shift your perspective and get more connected.


Increase Intimacy in your Relationship

One dialogue, three books, one experience, and one poem – here are some different ways to engage with your embodied life and intimate connection to your partner. An intimacy deepening dialogue Talking about sexual intimacy can bring up all kinds of feelings for people because we have received so many different messages about sex and […]


“I flipped my  @#$%  lid!”

Anger is a basic human emotion and a normal adaptive response to threats. But it can be destructive to our health and relationships if we don’t know how to manage it effectively, especially in a partnership.


Should we do premarital counseling?

The skills developed in pre-marital counseling lay the groundwork for a stronger emotional connection and deeper intimacy that will sustain the marriage long after the honeymoon ends.


Is my relationship healthy?

High conflict marriages without much affection are very bad for our health. In contrast, living in the midst of good, warm relationships is protective. 


Conquering the Comparing Mind with Imago

Although what rested at the bottom of my cup was not “guilt” so much
as “shame.” Shame. This has meant for me a feeling of embarrassment or humiliation that I was liable to say exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time. From an early age I felt different than others. I perceived myself as usually less than, less popular, less successful, less socially graceful.


Loneliness is killing us.

Loneliness and isolation is slowly killing people and eroding the most fundamental thing that makes us human. We are wired to be connected to one another. And when we withdraw, isolate, fail to ask for help, refuse to offer aid, we get better at being alone.


Rules of Engagement: getting along by looking for connection

What we say is important, how we say it is paramount.


Breaking up with a friend sucks too.

Does the concept of disenfranchised grief resonate with you?


Empathic Relationships: Prioritizing Serving over Fixing and Helping

During challenging relationship times, it is essential to explore ways to enhance connection and communication.  Changing our mindset and approach away from fixing and helping can catalyze a move toward a safer place. Examining on fixing and helping offers insight into ongoing relationship struggles.  Fixing suggests something amiss, possibility in how our partner handled the […]