Discharging Your Loyal Soldier

Together we had to learn new, more loving and conscious ways to respond to each other.


It’s Not About the Dishes!

Most of us think that if I am feeling frustrated about something in my relationship, it’s my partner’s fault: he must be doing something to annoy or hurt me on purpose, or she is the problem and needs “fixing.”


Feeling Stressed Out? Start Rewiring Your Stress Response Today!

Boost Your Health and Overcome Toxic Stress This month I read Nadine Burke Harris’s powerful recent book, The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. A pioneering pediatrician, Dr. Harris is the founder and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco. Watch her inspiring 2014 TedTalk here. Harris’s ground-breaking work […]


How Erotically Intelligent Are You?

The Center for Erotic Intelligence defines eroticism as “the interplay of desire and arousal with the daily challenges of living and loving,” and describes the five main elements of erotic intelligence as body attunement, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, self-awareness on steroids, and creative imagination. Erotic intelligence thus combines body, mind, heart, and soul and is essential for us to feel […]


Intimacy, a REAL adventure!

Do you ever dream of a beautiful exotic getaway with intimate moments of delight? The adventurous intimacy that you yearn for is not as far away as it might seem, but it’s not always easy to get there. You have to visit your partner’s world–not their office or their hometown, but rather their private inner […]


Choose Today: Shame and Fear or Authenticity and Intimacy?

In the early years of our marriage, my husband Jason and I used to get stuck frequently in the same frustrating interaction. “We need to talk about our relationship” I would announce to him out of the blue, with urgency and anxiousness in my voice. “I’m feeling disconnected.” How do you imagine he would respond? […]


Parenting as a Spiritual Path: The Lessons in a Severed Ankle, a Chipped Tooth, and Stretch Marks

Growing up, I thought that I could only experience the spiritual in religious places like churches or in solemnly recited words of prayer (and only when I was perfectly well-behaved). Once I became a parent, however, my four children taught me that the sacred can surprise me everywhere, often most intensely through the joys and […]


Why We Need Gratitude More Than Ever this Thanksgiving

After this polarizing election year that has left many of us feeling disconnected, weary, and fearful, Thanksgiving offers an opportunity for reconnection — even with family members of different political leanings, if we are intentional and focused on practicing gratitude. Here are three reasons that choosing a grateful outlook can help us deal with Uncle […]


The Best Wedding Gift Ever

If you are preparing to be married, consider premarital counseling: it’s the best investment in your relationship you’ll ever make. You don’t have to be religious to try it. Even though some couples come to premarital counseling because their priest, minister, or rabbi has made it a requirement before marriage, many relationship education programs are not […]


New Moms: Your Well-Being Matters!

This month, medical and mental health experts on the United States Preventive Services Task Force, a government-appointed health panel, emphasized the importance of screening women for depression both during pregnancy and after giving birth. After having a baby, most women experience some form of the “baby blues,” the normal hormonal adjustment period that usually resolves […]