Making Peace With Your Inner Pessimist

The explosion in neuroscience over the past 20 years has revealed, among many things, that the human brain has a built-in bias toward the negative. In the world of evolutionary psychology this makes a great deal of sense. If we don’t stay alive, other biological imperatives like “Where’s the food?” and “Where’s the sex?” are […]


Parental Disagreement can be Good

As a couples therapist specializing in parenting issues, I often see parents who disagree about how to raise their children. Most often, these disagreements revolve around how they should discipline their children. What is too much, too little, or too harsh? One parent might feel that the child is taking advantage of them, while the […]


Creating Something Special in Our Kitchens

Paradoxically, while we may be more connected online, many of us are becoming less connected offline. How often do we see couples at a restaurant looking more at their cell phones than at each other. Think about kids (and parents!) on their cell phones at the dinner table! To battle this phenomenon, I give you: […]


The Growing Problem of Social Isolation and What to Do About It

A client sat across from me in my office sobbing. “I feel so lonely” she finally said after she collected herself. This particular woman has a lot of friends and a successful career- how could someone as bright and friendly as her feel lonely? This woman is not alone – the feelings of social isolation […]


The Acknowledgement Couples Deserve When Raising a Child with Extra Needs

We know how the story goes: Boy meets girl, they fall in love. They get the house, the dog, the white picket fence, and plan to raise a family together. They all live happily ever after! But how often does the American Dream turn out the way Hollywood describes it? Raising any child brings along […]


Lena Derhally – 3 Myths about Healthy Marriages that Most People Think Are True

The Imago Center’s Lena Derhally was interviewed for Psych Central about myths about healthy marriages that most people think are true. There are many myths about what a healthy marriage looks and feels like. When we start seeing these myths as facts, we get into problematic territory. Many myths create unrealistic standards, which when we […]


New Moms: Your Well-Being Matters!

This month, medical and mental health experts on the United States Preventive Services Task Force, a government-appointed health panel, emphasized the importance of screening women for depression both during pregnancy and after giving birth. After having a baby, most women experience some form of the “baby blues,” the normal hormonal adjustment period that usually resolves […]


How Walt Disney Ruined Our Love Lives

Here is a provocative 2014 article from Brandeis Magazine inviting us to look at how legendary stories and fairy tales that had once offered a realistic and cautionary view of love and marriage became whitewashed narratives that lead us to divorce.


The Imago Center’s Lena Derhally on how to say “No” and setting boundaries

Lena Derhally was interviewed by Margarita Tartakovsky at Psych Central on tips to make saying No a lot easier.  She gives us three tips to  set boundaries, “If we learn to say ‘no,’ put our foot down and not let people take advantage of us, then we feel less resentful — to others and ourselves.”  Lena […]


Why Group Therapy for Men: 5 Benefits

Recently, a wife of a man in one of my men’s group said, “Dr Siegel did you sprinkle pixie dust on my husband?  He’s changed!”  For most of my 25 years as a psychologist I have worked with men in group therapy because it is such a powerful therapeutic approach for men.   Why is this?  […]