It’s HOW you say it!

Every Monday morning, the staff of the Imago Center gathers to share our professional successes, concerns, and questions. Yesterday, I brought a question to the group: I’m currently working with a couple who do not share the same language of origin. They sometimes struggle to communicate because they ascribe a different meaning to different words. […]


After the Affair: From Despair to Discovery

Albert Einstein said: “In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.”  If handled well, a crisis can shake up the status quo, so that new resources and new ways of being emerge.  We see clearly how this is true in business. The pandemic crisis caused the suffering of some businesses, like brick-and-mortar retail, health […]


How well do you (want to) know your partner?*

“The dreams that you have while you are asleep can provide a fascinating, revealing, and interesting window into your unconscious mind.  How much do you share and talk about your dreams with your partner? How much do you know about your own and your partner’s inner world? How much does each one of you know […]


Sex Ed for Teens and 20-somethings

As a teenager, I was a little…lost. I couldn’t figure out what to do with my frizzy hair or my big nose, and I had this incredibly unhealthy instinct whenever I walked into a new space to scan the room for all the girls, and then count how many I thought were prettier than me […]


Why should I try men’s group therapy?

Recently, a wife of a man in one of my men’s groups said, “Dr. Siegel did you sprinkle pixie dust on my husband?  He’s even better than the man I fell in love with!”  For most of my 30 years as a psychologist, I have worked with men in group therapy because it is such […]


There’s a difference between couples therapy and sex therapy?

Sometimes therapy for sex issues is unsuccessful because the couple has sought couples therapy and not sex therapy. When they have not seen any change or found the outcome that they had hoped for, many of these couples think about giving up on their relationship because they believe they have tried everything. Sex Issues: Sex Therapist […]


Kindness, Curiosity, and Inclusion

I Am a Proponent of Connection I have always been more of an observer than a talker, yet I have been having some difficult conversations lately on the topic of COVID-19 and vaccinations, with the people I care about, because I need my relationships now more than ever with friends, family, and colleagues. If I […]


Things to do to calm your inner yikes!

Desperate Times Just when we thought it was safe enough to live again, all of our hope, optimism, and relief were rudely yanked away. Just like that, we are back to living in the reality that there is little we can know with certainty regarding what will happen next in this time of pandemic-monium. In […]


Four Marriage Myths That Need to Go Away

Though they might use different words to express it, philosophers, religious figures, and psychologists appear to agree that the perfect is the enemy of the good–that unrealistic expectations are the bane of true satisfaction. The following four myths of marriage serve as examples of ways in which our desire for perfection diminishes our chance for […]


Coupling in a Post-Covid World

Couples returning to a “normalcy” Post-Covid may experience some pangs with the transition. How can you avoid falling into old ways?