What is biology doing in relationships?

Would you like to get a cup of coffee? That moment when he first walked over to me, my heart was pounding. I can still see myself all of these years later. I think I may have blushed. He leaned forward and asked if I would like to get a cup of coffee. We had […]


What was it like when you were a child during the pandemic?

I imagine today’s generation of young people being asked this question by their children in the next generation. This is a historic moment, one that will be a point of demarcation, like the race riots of the 60’s, the assassinations of pivotal men, the Great Depression, and the 2008 Recession. We will look back and […]


Keeping the Love You Find

You may have heard of the Imago relationship couples workshop: Getting the Love You Want. But did you know that there is an Imago workshop for individuals, too? All of us got to adulthood with our very own unique baggage. We have filled it along the way with the unmet needs of childhood, our lost […]


Ten Things I Love About You

10 ingredients in the recipe of a dream relationship. What to look for in your partner and how to be your better self! It takes two to tango, baby!


Expressing empathy feels particularly hard right now!

“In order to empathize with your experience, I must be willing to believe you as you see your experience and not how I imagine your experience to be.” Brené Brown All my survival instincts are on high alert and every possible transgression, thoughtless action or selfish choice kicks me into a level of outrage that […]


Can We Talk About Sex?

Is there a pattern here? “When was the last time you two had sex and was it satisfying?” Couples coming to me for the first time will be asked this question. I usually tell them that some therapists say that “if you fix the sex, the rest will follow,” and others say: “if you fix […]


Fight Fair

Having a consciously connected relationship means it is okay to disagree, it is possible to fight fairly, and our differences are welcomed.


There is no room for criticism

Somehow we are wired to be in relationship with other people. And yet it is the most challenging that we do. People in relationships live in constant connection with another human being in a conditional way based on how we each treat the other. We unconsciously select this other person, hoping that we will finally […]


Communicating or Connecting

Connection is the skill most couples really need to learn.


A key to a new year!

A new year, baby! I love when I first realized that I could start over whenever I want. I don’t have to wait for a new year to have a new beginning. My new beginnings are not limited to culturally dictated calendar cycles. As a young person, my year began in September. As a homeschooling […]