Category: Therapy
Millennials are mastering marriage better than their parents.
READ ARTICLEWe are in the worst time of this pandemic, and the holidays are upon us. It may be a tough time for some of us to feel grateful, and it can also be a time when we find gratitude for things we may have taken for granted before. In the Greater Good Magazine, Psychologist Nathan Greene […]
READ ARTICLEWhat I learned from a quality espresso machine. A sticky coffee situation “Give me room to grow!” I found myself asking my husband when we recently got stuck in a triggering conversation about spending money, being on the same team, and assuming we could predict each other’s feelings, intentions, and reactions. A little background: he […]
READ ARTICLEStress seems to be the buzz word of the year. The level of trauma is at an all-time high. Many people are struggling to manage the pandemic, racial tension, economic stresses, loss of friends and loved ones, and a host of other difficulties. Another concern showing up time and time again is stress in […]
READ ARTICLEYom Kippur in the Jewish religion, is a day of mourning and reflection, of taking responsibility for the role we may have played in the pain of others. While Yom Kippur is always a somber day in the Jewish faith, this year is particularly difficult as we face not only a global pandemic, but also […]
READ ARTICLEAs we enter month 7 of the global pandemic, it seems that suffering and hardship has only been enhanced. We are now seeing wildfires burn through the west coast, businesses closing, people struggling to pay bills, put food on the table, or even avoid the doctor because they are afraid of medical debt. The deep […]
READ ARTICLE“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.” Carl Jung This pandemic with all its restrictions, limitations, and constraints is challenging my […]
READ ARTICLE“If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.” ― Hermann Hesse I must have heard the above, or something like it, at least 20 times before I got it. I remember my epiphany: I was telling a group of friends […]
READ ARTICLE“You have experienced a critical incident and have gone through a lot! Please take care of yourself.” This is something I often say when I travel to regions of the world as a responder to critical incidents. Here are some resilience-building strategies you can employ. Unfortunately, today I cannot say to African Americans “take care […]
READ ARTICLEIn the past eight weeks of quarantine, my husband and I have regularly commented that we are not sure how we would have survived a lockdown if our now-grown four children had been toddlers or elementary school kids or even high schoolers, desperately negotiating to be with their friends…We have deep respect and appreciation for […]