More Real Life Sex and Relationships

Americans are having less sex An active sex life is the accepted norm for American singles. Media is sexually explicit, sexting is common, and our culture is more tolerant of sex in a wide range of permutations. Yet, Americans are having less sex with each other than they were 10 years ago.  There has also been […]


Feeling Stressed Out? Start Rewiring Your Stress Response Today!

Boost Your Health and Overcome Toxic Stress This month I read Nadine Burke Harris’s powerful recent book, The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. A pioneering pediatrician, Dr. Harris is the founder and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco. Watch her inspiring 2014 TedTalk here. Harris’s ground-breaking work […]


Let’s Talk About Sex!

Who’s talking about sex? Did you know that sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction is more common than anxiety and depression combined in the mental health field? When you work with couples regularly, it is extremely common for sexual issues to come up. Sexual issues can be a multitude of things: mismatched desire, little time for sex, […]


Understanding Sexual Trauma

Treating Sexual Trauma Stories such as Dr. Ford’s decades-old sexual trauma may be frozen in the mind and body. Traumatic experiences remain cocooned in the nervous system and are susceptible to the effects of brain chemistry. Imago therapists use core skills to be an empathetic, neutral listener.  Trauma therapists employ these core skills AND an additional […]


When Relationships Turn Deadly

Recently, a story that has captured the attention of millions around the world is the young Colorado father, Chris Watts, who has been accused of killing his pregnant wife, Shanann Watts and 2 young toddler daughters. Perhaps what is most shocking about this case for so many is the fact that this family (from social […]


Immediate Effectiveness: Imago Relationship Therapy!

Our entire staff here at the Imago Center of Washington is dedicated to Imago Relationship work! Why? Because if so effective, safe and immediately beneficial to the relationship! Whether you are a  therapist who starts to sweat when a couple calls or a couple who needs a tuneup…read on!  Right from the very first session, […]


5 Great Reasons to Consider Imago Clinical Training

Imago Clinical Training You will learn effective, transformative, and research-based skills to bring safety and restore connection in couples and relationships where conflict and rupture have occurred. Imago Clinical Training will Benefit You: You will grow your professional capacity to effectively guide a couple toward connection and empathy from the very first session. You will no longer […]


The YES Brain:  Moving to a More Positive Mindset

Author and psychologist, Tina Payne Bryson and neuropsychiatrist, Dan Siegel study the brain’s neuroplasticity, or its ability to change and re-adapt.  They have a new book, soon to be released which explains how to develop a “YES” brain.  As you might imagine, this is a more positive state of being than a “NO” brain.  The […]


Men’s Loneliness and Isolation:  An Epidemic?

Anthony Bourdain’s recent tragic suicide has brought attention to men’s emotional health.  There have also been several reports recently about the “epidemic of men’s loneliness” in American culture.  If this subject interests you check out:  Shankar Vendam’s, “Guys, We Have A Problem:  How American Masculinity Creates Lonely Men”   The podcast is a sad and sobering […]


Will I Ever Get My Needs Met

Can You Give Me what I need? Being in a committed long-term relationship is the hardest thing we do. Individuals in a relationship boil down into two distinct categories. You can call them Pursuers and Withdrawers, Minimizers/Maximizers or the-one-who-is-eternally-Disappointed and the-one-who-lives-in-fear-of-eternally-Disappointing. It all boils down to the same fears: “I am never going to be […]