Category: Marriage
Imago Relationship Therapy works for us because it brings intentionality, rules and time.
READ ARTICLESurviving or Thriving What if there was a checklist of things we could do to have our DREAM relationship? Dreaming, envisioning, aspiring, these are invitations to curiosity, hope, and self-awareness. When curiosity is on board, connection is possible. Curiosity is a close cousin to safety. Relationships thrive when there is safety. When in distress we […]
READ ARTICLEUnderstanding that divorce /Breakup is a life-altering event that can bring about a range of emotions, uncertainties, and challenges. Going through the process alone can be overwhelming and isolating. You don’t have to go it alone. A divorce support group is a lifeline available for individuals navigating the stormy waters of divorce.
READ ARTICLECrying Out for Love My fiancé and I are getting married next month, and the process of planning a wedding as a couples counselor is an interesting one. As an Imago therapist, I very much believe in Harville Hendrix’s explanation of the journey of love – how, when we first fall in love, our partner […]
READ ARTICLEChange your lens, change your relationship! First of all, how would your relationship be different if you approached your partner reflecting on two questions: What can I celebrate in my partner? and 2. What’s right with our relationship? This sounds challenging, right? We are not programmed this way! Our default is looking for what’s not […]
READ ARTICLENavigating a world where there’s no room for parenthood. When I moved to the U.S. I knew I was giving up many things for a better career. I would miss the food back home, my former lifestyle, and, most of all, my family. What I didn’t know was that this feeling would resurface years later, […]
READ ARTICLEWhat do rubber bands, willow trees, and roly-poly dolls have in common? Answer: Flexibility under pressure and the capacity to bounce back after stress. In other words: resilience! The past two years have called for all kinds of resilience from us — as individuals, as couples, as families, as a nation, and as a world. […]
READ ARTICLEIn a session I had recently with a couple, a husband told his wife that he wants to help her find peace when she is “off the rails.” He does this by problem-solving and suggesting different ways of looking at the situation. They both agreed that this almost never works, but only escalates her anger […]
READ ARTICLEHall of Famers At Bat John Gottman’s research tells us that 67%* of the differences between partners are unresolvable and THIS is the good news. Recently I was talking shop with my brother, whose field of work is vastly different than my own. I mentioned this fact to him and his immediate, and absolutely fabulous […]
READ ARTICLEBoundaries are the root of self-care and are necessary for creating a healthy life. They are limits we create for ourselves to have the life we want and deserve as unique human beings. They are not the rules and limits that we have internalized from our childhood or by comparison with others. It’s a tricky […]