Divorce/Breakup: Unveiling the Benefits of a Support Group

Understanding that divorce /Breakup is a life-altering event that can bring about a range of emotions, uncertainties, and challenges. Going through the process alone can be overwhelming and isolating.  You don’t have to go it alone. A divorce support group is a lifeline available for individuals navigating the stormy waters of divorce. 


The Ties that Bind Adult Children and Parents

In the complex tapestry of human relationships, few bonds hold as much significance as the one between parents and their adult children. This intricate dance of love, history, and shared experiences can be both deeply fulfilling and profoundly challenging.


Keeping the Love You Find™ a workshop for individuals

Finding the One Finding one’s true love has been the dream of lovers throughout history…The bubble of romantic love will burst and you will find yourself locked in a power struggle. But (after this workshop) now you know yourself, and…you are prepared for what is coming. From Keeping the Love Find by Harville Hendrix and […]


Help! How to Write My Wedding Vows

Crying Out for Love My fiancé and I are getting married next month, and the process of planning a wedding as a couples counselor is an interesting one. As an Imago therapist, I very much believe in Harville Hendrix’s explanation of the journey of love – how, when we first fall in love, our partner […]


Blame, Shame, and Criticism in Your Relationship is Toxic

Criticism, defined as the expression of disapproval or disappointment, can take many forms and can range from constructive feedback to harsh or attacking statements. In this article, criticism is defined as language that blames, shames, or belittles your partner. Regardless of the form it takes, excessive criticism can be harmful to the health of a […]


New Relationship Resolutions for 2023

Start Right , Stay Connected The beginning of the New Year is a good time to think about goals for the year ahead. We canset goals anytime, but these built-in dates on our calendar are helpful. Just as Thanksgiving is atime to focus on gratitude, New Year is a good time to focus on changes […]


Don’t know much about biology

Strong relationships lead to long, healthy, happy lives.


Keep Calm and Merry On!

How to weather the holidays with acts of self-care.


Reclaim Your Lost Parts, You are Worth It

Brilliant Adaptations As adults, other people’s character traits trigger us in intimate relationships Take a closer look at the characteristics that precipitate our mean-spirited response with those closest to us.  Meanwhile, in other settings, we display a loving, conscious, and empathetic pattern.  We respond to triggers with the traits that we most need. Defense responses […]


What to Expect in a Break Up

Life Happens This time of the year can be incredibly challenging if you are in the storm of a breakup.  Over twenty years ago I sat in that seat. I never imagined this would be my journey. Why would two reasonably intelligent people travel down this road? When it was me, I found myself coping with […]