Toxic Femininity

Many of my clients come to me because they are experiencing anxiety and depression due to a toxic work environment. What has always been most surprising to me in my practice is the majority of the time, women are reporting being bullied by other women or female bosses. In recent years, conversations around what it […]


Using your wisdom as you age

Suddenly having a house devoid of children, when they’d been the major focus in my life for 20 + years, isn’t an easy adjustment. Having my sights set on my three children’s social, emotional, and academic development, made any other goal seem inconsequential at the time.  So, when the kids were finally gone, and on […]


Discharging Your Loyal Soldier

Together we had to learn new, more loving and conscious ways to respond to each other.


Communicating or Connecting

Connection is the skill most couples really need to learn.


It’s Not About the Dishes!

Most of us think that if I am feeling frustrated about something in my relationship, it’s my partner’s fault: he must be doing something to annoy or hurt me on purpose, or she is the problem and needs “fixing.”


A key to a new year!

A new year, baby! I love when I first realized that I could start over whenever I want. I don’t have to wait for a new year to have a new beginning. My new beginnings are not limited to culturally dictated calendar cycles. As a young person, my year began in September. As a homeschooling […]


More Real Life Sex and Relationships

Americans are having less sex An active sex life is the accepted norm for American singles. Media is sexually explicit, sexting is common, and our culture is more tolerant of sex in a wide range of permutations. Yet, Americans are having less sex with each other than they were 10 years ago.  There has also been […]


Estrangement and the Holiday Season

Home for the Holidays I love everything about the holidays. I grew up in a family that made a big deal out of it. My mom starts decorating the day after Thanksgiving and to this day, asks my brothers and me for our Christmas lists. But, the holidays aren’t easy for everyone and can be […]


The Gift of Love

GIVING AND RECEIVING It is very difficult for me to give freely without expectations and strings attached when my hands are clenched tightly to you or to a belief I have about you. Giving and receiving is on my mind this year. I am keenly aware of the seduction and ease with which giving becomes […]


Bringing My Best Me to Us

Conscious Connection Back in September, I made a decision to start a practice of intentionally exploring my conscious connection to my husband. I was trying to walk the talk of what I tell my clients. I did this by starting each day with a prompt that gave me an opportunity to think about and then […]