Kindness, Curiosity, and Inclusion

I Am a Proponent of Connection I have always been more of an observer than a talker, yet I have been having some difficult conversations lately on the topic of COVID-19 and vaccinations, with the people I care about, because I need my relationships now more than ever with friends, family, and colleagues. If I […]


Four Marriage Myths That Need to Go Away

Though they might use different words to express it, philosophers, religious figures, and psychologists appear to agree that the perfect is the enemy of the good–that unrealistic expectations are the bane of true satisfaction. The following four myths of marriage serve as examples of ways in which our desire for perfection diminishes our chance for […]


Coupling in a Post-Covid World

Couples returning to a “normalcy” Post-Covid may experience some pangs with the transition. How can you avoid falling into old ways?


What is biology doing in relationships?

Would you like to get a cup of coffee? That moment when he first walked over to me, my heart was pounding. I can still see myself all of these years later. I think I may have blushed. He leaned forward and asked if I would like to get a cup of coffee. We had […]


The Micro Losses

Huh, maybe we are grieving losses. Recently, I got together with a therapist friend, (indoors, at a restaurant, both of us fully vaccinated!), to catch up. Eventually, we came around to how we were doing with the pandemic. We reported similar experiences: we were both weary, more tired, general enthusiasm for life was low, motivation […]


Millennials: Marriage Masters

Millennials are mastering marriage better than their parents.


Making Effective Requests In Your Relationship

“Expectations are agreements we never made.” Unmet expectations are one of the great banes of intimate relationships. Any two people can have such different understandings about what constitutes a request that it’s no wonder the couples counseling business is booming. When I was a management consultant, I once asked a roomful of executives and their […]


Keeping the Love You Find

You may have heard of the Imago relationship couples workshop: Getting the Love You Want. But did you know that there is an Imago workshop for individuals, too? All of us got to adulthood with our very own unique baggage. We have filled it along the way with the unmet needs of childhood, our lost […]


Can You Say I’m Sorry?

Do you know how to apologize meaningfully when you have made a mistake or hurt someone — intentionally or unintentionally? Most of us growing up did not see good models of healthy apologies to repair ruptures and restore relational trust and safety. Some of us were forced to say we were sorry when we weren’t. […]


New Year, New Relationship

New Beginnings We are at the beginning of a new calendar year and, as any beginning, it comes with new resolutions and wishes for a better future. Throughout the history of humanity and nowadays, the new year is celebrated by many cultures* in many wonderful ways. No matter how we celebrate new beginnings, we adorn […]