Category: Couples
Who’s talking about sex? Did you know that sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction is more common than anxiety and depression combined in the mental health field? When you work with couples regularly, it is extremely common for sexual issues to come up. Sexual issues can be a multitude of things: mismatched desire, little time for sex, […]
READ ARTICLEOur entire staff here at the Imago Center of Washington is dedicated to Imago Relationship work! Why? Because if so effective, safe and immediately beneficial to the relationship! Whether you are a therapist who starts to sweat when a couple calls or a couple who needs a tuneup…read on! Right from the very first session, […]
READ ARTICLEMasculine and Feminine Reflecting on the relationships of many of my young clients and even my kids, nieces, and nephews, I think this is an interesting era we’re living in when it comes to human pair-bonding. While us older men are trying to figure out how to hold onto our cherished gender distinctions (because that’s […]
READ ARTICLEA recent survey on marital satisfaction found that out of 101 adults who had been together as little as a year and as long as 42 years, intimacy rated higher than passion. Sure, passion is important and reigns supreme on the list of ingredients for a happy relationship, but it’s no more important than intimacy. […]
READ ARTICLEHello! Let me introduce myself: I am Anne Contee. Together with my husband Barry Contee, we invite you to join us on a lighted-hearted journey of healing and deep connection. I am a storyteller and enthusiastic facilitator. My optimistic, self-confident view of the world is not merely one in which the glass is half full, […]
READ ARTICLEThe Center for Erotic Intelligence defines eroticism as “the interplay of desire and arousal with the daily challenges of living and loving,” and describes the five main elements of erotic intelligence as body attunement, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, self-awareness on steroids, and creative imagination. Erotic intelligence thus combines body, mind, heart, and soul and is essential for us to feel […]
READ ARTICLEAt the heart of Imago Relationship Therapy is the idea that unresolved wounds of childhood have a way of programming us–patterning us–with an internal blueprint for a partner. The partner who fits this blueprint has the capacity to wound and disappoint us in just the ways we were wounded and disappointed as infants and children. […]
READ ARTICLEAnnual Trip to Your Gynocologist For most women, a visit to the gynecologist includes a vulnerable and unpleasant experience and necessity: A Pap smear to scrape cells from the back of the cervix is no picnic. However, this screening test is a matter of life and death in some instances. A visit with the OB/GYN […]
READ ARTICLECan You Give Me what I need? Being in a committed long-term relationship is the hardest thing we do. Individuals in a relationship boil down into two distinct categories. You can call them Pursuers and Withdrawers, Minimizers/Maximizers or the-one-who-is-eternally-Disappointed and the-one-who-lives-in-fear-of-eternally-Disappointing. It all boils down to the same fears: “I am never going to be […]
READ ARTICLEMentality {(Need for Romance + Security) > (Fear of Rejection)100} -Memory {(Declaring Love led to Intimacy last time) ÷ (That relationship ended badly)3} × Anxiety (Will she/he reciprocate?)10 √ {(Is this bad timing?) +Intuition (I’m getting a good vide.)} × (Courage + Nerve ± Recklessness) = “I love you.”* What does it mean to you […]