
Reflections on Fatherhood

Father’s Day is an occasion for me to reflect on how I’m doing as a father and how my relationship with my own father influenced the relationship I have…

Fight Fair

How often do I hear: “we just need to learn how to fight fair?” The most self-reported reason I hear for coming into couples counseling is “the problem is…

Toxic Femininity

Many of my clients come to me because they are experiencing anxiety and depression due to a toxic work environment. What has always been most surprising to me in…

Using your wisdom as you age

Suddenly having a house devoid of children, when they’d been the major focus in my life for 20 + years, isn’t an easy adjustment. Having my sights set on…

Discharging Your Loyal Soldier

I love the following reflection from Richard Rohr, a wise Franciscan priest, who founded the Center for Action and Contemplation. The vivid metaphor of the loyal soldier resonates deeply…

There is no room for criticism

Somehow we are wired to be in relationship with other people. And yet it is the most challenging that we do. People in relationships live in constant connection with…

Communicating or Connecting

In a conversation I recently had with Harville Hendrix, I understood him to say that couples come into therapy hoping to improve their communication skills, when what they really…

It’s Not About the Dishes!

At our most recent 2-day Getting the Love You Want couples’ workshop, my husband Jason and I accompanied eight lovely couples on a rich experiential journey. Halfway through the…

MEN IN TRANSITION: Consciously Leading the Life You Were Born to Live

Many people would agree that transition is the word of the day.  We live in a rapidly changing world and most of us are in some sort of transition…

Do We Choose Unhappiness?

THE HAPPINESS PARADOXMost people would say they seek happiness and avoid its opposite. This is true enough, but my experience as a therapist, educator, and self-reflective human being reveals…

A key to a new year!

A new year, baby!I love when I first realized that I could start over whenever I want. I don’t have to wait for a new year to have a…

More Real Life Sex and Relationships

Americans are having less sex An active sex life is the accepted norm for American singles. Media is sexually explicit, sexting is common, and our culture is more tolerant…