
Do We Choose Unhappiness?

THE HAPPINESS PARADOX Most people would say they seek happiness and avoid its opposite. This is true enough, but my experience as a therapist, educator, and self-reflective human being…

A key to a new year!

A new year, baby! I love when I first realized that I could start over whenever I want. I don’t have to wait for a new year to have…

More Real Life Sex and Relationships

Americans are having less sex An active sex life is the accepted norm for American singles. Media is sexually explicit, sexting is common, and our culture is more tolerant…

Feeling Stressed Out? Start Rewiring Your Stress Response Today!

Boost Your Health and Overcome Toxic Stress This month I read Nadine Burke Harris’s powerful recent book, The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. A pioneering…

Estrangement and the Holiday Season

Home for the Holidays I love everything about the holidays. I grew up in a family that made a big deal out of it. My mom starts decorating the…

The Gift of Love

GIVING AND RECEIVING It is very difficult for me to give freely without expectations and strings attached when my hands are clenched tightly to you or to a belief…

Bringing My Best Me to Us

Conscious Connection Back in September, I made a decision to start a practice of intentionally exploring my conscious connection to my husband. I was trying to walk the talk…

Let’s Talk About Sex!

Who’s talking about sex? Did you know that sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction is more common than anxiety and depression combined in the mental health field? When you work with…

Understanding Sexual Trauma

Treating Sexual Trauma Stories such as Dr. Ford’s decades-old sexual trauma may be frozen in the mind and body. Traumatic experiences remain cocooned in the nervous system and are…


Developing Healthy Masculinity and Leadership Skills in Men In the wake of the recent political drama, the #metoo movement, and black lives matter I’ve had many conversations with a…

When Relationships Turn Deadly

Recently, a story that has captured the attention of millions around the world is the young Colorado father, Chris Watts, who has been accused of killing his pregnant wife,…

Immediate Effectiveness: Imago Relationship Therapy!

Our entire staff here at the Imago Center of Washington is dedicated to Imago Relationship work! Why? Because if so effective, safe and immediately beneficial to the relationship! Whether…