
“I love you” Calculus

Mentality {(Need for Romance + Security) > (Fear of Rejection)100} -Memory {(Declaring Love led to Intimacy last time) ÷ (That relationship ended badly)3} × Anxiety (Will she/he reciprocate?)10 √…

Are you Really There for Me?

  Are you Really There for Me? Why are some couples so quick to respond to their partner with anger or defensiveness?  How can we break the cycle of…

Self-Care? What’s that?

Where do I begin? As a therapist, I talk to, my clients a lot about the importance of self-care. It’s a preventative approach to help preserve energy for the…

Opening to Interdependence

I hear and read so many things that extol the ideal that we are—or should be—complete within ourselves and that we must achieve autonomy (e.g., merge our inner feminine and…

Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness

Loneliness is reaching epidemic proportions. Despite living in an ultra-connected world where we have everything we need at our fingertips like finding out what friends are up to on…

A Heart-Centered Practice

According to the Eastern chakra system, when a person’s heart chakra (seat of love) is closed, it can’t hear, feel, or discern emotions.  As stated in ancient Eastern text,…

Stop Shoulding on Yourself!

 Interactions with other people wire the brain for resilience. This dharma talk parable illustrates how interactions can be positively and negatively encoded in the brain.  A seven-year-old boy and…

Intimacy, a REAL adventure!

Do you ever dream of a beautiful exotic getaway with intimate moments of delight? The adventurous intimacy that you yearn for is not as far away as it might…

The Possible Marriage

My favorite marriage experts agree on at least one thing: The modern marriage is front-loaded with so many expectations for personal fulfillment that marriages often collapse under their own…

Helping Teens in Crisis

Recent teen suicides in my hometown are bringing fear, shock, and sadness to the community.  These tragedies now have parents and teachers looking for ways to talk to their…

Growing Empathy for Men in Group Therapy

In an earlier article “Why Group Therapy for Men: 5 Benefits,” I wrote about how working with other men in a group context can be beneficial. The article raised…

Mother-Daughter Conflict

Presumably, the most enduring relationship most women have is with their mothers. Researchers suggest that daughters form an attachment bond with their mothers during infancy and rarely discontinue their…