
Discover a New Way to Love

Hello! Let me introduce myself: I am Anne Contee. Together with my husband Barry Contee, we invite you to join us on a lighted-hearted journey of healing and deep…

How Erotically Intelligent Are You?

The Center for Erotic Intelligence defines eroticism as “the interplay of desire and arousal with the daily challenges of living and loving,” and describes the five main elements of…

The YES Brain:  Moving to a More Positive Mindset

Author and psychologist, Tina Payne Bryson and neuropsychiatrist, Dan Siegel study the brain’s neuroplasticity, or its ability to change and re-adapt.  They have a new book, soon to be…

The Three P’s of Relationship Conflict: Do You Pick, Project, or Provoke?

At the heart of Imago Relationship Therapy is the idea that unresolved wounds of childhood have a way of programming us–patterning us–with an internal blueprint for a partner. The…

A Pap Smear Whisperer

Annual Trip to Your Gynocologist For most women, a visit to the gynecologist includes a vulnerable and unpleasant experience and necessity: A Pap smear to scrape cells from the…

Men’s Loneliness and Isolation:  An Epidemic?

Anthony Bourdain’s recent tragic suicide has brought attention to men’s emotional health.  There have also been several reports recently about the “epidemic of men’s loneliness” in American culture.  If this…

Will I Ever Get My Needs Met

Can You Give Me what I need? Being in a committed long-term relationship is the hardest thing we do. Individuals in a relationship boil down into two distinct categories….

Overcome the New Wave of Bullying

A Disturbing Surge in Schools There is a disturbing surge in hate-laced bullying among students of all ages, as reported by Katherine Stewart in “The Nation”.  Particularly toward Muslim…

“I love you” Calculus

Mentality {(Need for Romance + Security) > (Fear of Rejection)100} -Memory {(Declaring Love led to Intimacy last time) ÷ (That relationship ended badly)3} × Anxiety (Will she/he reciprocate?)10 √…

Are you Really There for Me?

  Are you Really There for Me? Why are some couples so quick to respond to their partner with anger or defensiveness?  How can we break the cycle of…

Self-Care? What’s that?

Where do I begin? As a therapist, I talk to, my clients a lot about the importance of self-care. It’s a preventative approach to help preserve energy for the…

Opening to Interdependence

I hear and read so many things that extol the ideal that we are—or should be—complete within ourselves and that we must achieve autonomy (e.g., merge our inner feminine and…